The Value of Rest
Few would argue the truth behind the observation that we have forgotten the value of rest. Today’s world is filled with a sense of urgency. We are admonished to hurry and get this or that [...]
History of Bed and Breakfast Inns
Bed and breakfast inns have been around for a number of years. They have become a really handy way to book a getaway weekend to enjoy each other and/or some popular area. The bed and [...]
Looking for Antiques
Around Follansbee Inn there are several places you can go looking for antiques. This is an activity that can be done no matter the weather as long as you’re prepared. Local New London has several [...]
Winter Sports Near Follansbee Inn
One of the great things about visiting a bed and breakfast in New England is the availability of winter sports. After all, no one wants to go to a wonderful place like Follansbee Inn in [...]
Follansbee Inn: Your ‘Oasis of Wonder’ in New Hampshire
Looking for a quiet, relaxing, step back into the time of less stress and more relaxation? Follansbee Inn is the place for you. Many of the beds and breakfasts and other inns located on the [...]
Follansbee Inn: A Tale of Two Lakes
Not many bed and breakfast facilities are located as fortunately as Follansbee Inn. It is on the shore of beautiful Kezar Lake and close to Lake Sunapee. This location gives those who stay at Follansbee [...]
Traveling With Kids
There are some challenges you face when traveling with kids. Of course, one of the fallbacks you can depend on now is electronics of all kinds. But you don’t want the kids to go the [...]
Vacationing in the Heat
Most people take their vacations in the summer time. Vacationing in the heat can be a difficult experience or it can be very relaxing. Here are some tips on how to make your summer vacation [...]
The Benefits of Exercise
Everybody knows exercise is good for you. There are a great many benefits of exercise and staying active. If you’re like most people today, you spend a good bit of time sitting behind a desk [...]
The Importance of Relaxation
In our ‘hurry up and get things done’ world, it’s very easy to overlook the importance of relaxation. Everyone, it seems, has to hustle and run every step of the way to success. But it’s [...]
Why Choose A B&B?
More and more people travel now, staying for varying lengths of time at their destinations. Motels have sprouted nearly everywhere. But more people now are choosing bed and breakfasts, or a B&B. Why choose a [...]